​On May 15, 2023, Morenci City Council approved the fiscal year 2023/2024 budget. The spending plan funds current operations of the City of Morenci and addresses some items discussed during the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year council goals session.  Highlights of the budget include:  Curbside brush and leaf pick-up: These will be completed by the City of Morenci’s DPW and will save the City of Morenci approximately $50,000 for the year. Police coverage: 9,200 hours of police coverage has been budgeted for the fiscal year. This allows for the continuation of 24/7 coverage if scheduling allows. Support for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): Appropriations from all funds will help cover the cost of CDBG projects, along with revenue from a bond. The CDBG grant includes water lines, sanitary sewer lines and paving on Locust Street and Salisbury Street; the main sewage lift station, and new filter media for the iron removal filters at the water treatment plant. Continuation of Fire & EMS services at the same level currently provided. An additional $120,000 will be appropriated to Morenci Area EMS to cover operational costs. New sexton building will be completed at Oak Grove Cemetery. Roof replacement at Stair District Library Security upgrades at Morenci City Offices Tree trimming and planting Summer Recreation Program Park improvements Minor street repairs Water plant and sewage lagoon repairs Marijuana excise tax revenue is down approximately $25,000 due to the influx of licenses throughout the State of Michigan. The income from this tax is distributed to the general fund to cover expenses among all departments. Additionally, Morenci City Council approved a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for both the Water and Sewer services that will fund improvements for the next 20 years. This plan calls for set funding for capital outlay items each year, along with establishing annual rate increases to fund these two funds. Water and sewer rates will increase by 2.66 percent (based on water usage) for the fiscal year 2023/2024. This increase will total $2.46 per month for a family that uses 4,000 gallons of water.   Visit City Hall to view the fiscal year 2023/2024 approved budget. A utility billing rate increase chart is also available for reference on our website.

On May 15, 2023, Morenci City Council approved the fiscal year 2023/2024 budget. The spending plan funds current operations of the City of Morenci and addresses some items discussed during the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year council goals session.

Highlights of the budget include:

  • Curbside brush and leaf pick-up: These will be completed by the City of Morenci’s DPW and will save the City of Morenci approximately $50,000 for the year.
  • Police coverage: 9,200 hours of police coverage has been budgeted for the fiscal year. This allows for the continuation of 24/7 coverage if scheduling allows.
  • Support for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): Appropriations from all funds will help cover the cost of CDBG projects, along with revenue from a bond. The CDBG grant includes water lines, sanitary sewer lines and paving on Locust Street and Salisbury Street; the main sewage lift station, and new filter media for the iron removal filters at the water treatment plant.
  • Continuation of Fire & EMS services at the same level currently provided. An additional $120,000 will be appropriated to Morenci Area EMS to cover operational costs.
  • New sexton building will be completed at Oak Grove Cemetery.
  • Roof replacement at Stair District Library
  • Security upgrades at Morenci City Offices
  • Tree trimming and planting
  • Summer Recreation Program
  • Park improvements
  • Minor street repairs
  • Water plant and sewage lagoon repairs
  • Marijuana excise tax revenue is down approximately $25,000 due to the influx of licenses throughout the State of Michigan. The income from this tax is distributed to the general fund to cover expenses among all departments.

Additionally, Morenci City Council approved a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for both the Water and Sewer services that will fund improvements for the next 20 years. This plan calls for set funding for capital outlay items each year, along with establishing annual rate increases to fund these two funds. Water and sewer rates will increase by 2.66 percent (based on water usage) for the fiscal year 2023/2024. This increase will total $2.46 per month for a family that uses 4,000 gallons of water. 

Click here to view the fiscal year 2023/2024 approved budget. A utility billing rate increase chart is also available for reference here.